My 2017 in review

Previous year was one of the most challenging year in my professional career. There comes an opportunity to leave board of directors and Head of Sales role at company I cofounded and built for last 13 years. Then i could start new chapter in my professional career. This was a huge opportunity to start something new. Big risk and opportunity at the same time. I decided to take a chance and start new chapter in my professional career. I love what i do as professional - stick around with professionals from software industry, build software development teams, market and connect them with companies who are building digital products with a global aspirations. So I decided to continue but in as an independent IT consultant. Bumpy road with many lessons learned. Let's take a look what I have done by this 12 months so far...
I started with creating a new brand. I have created a ideal company which can take much value from working with me. I described who I am, what is my background and what value I can bring to the table. I created a website and started marketing and promotional efforts to validate my idea by finding my first customers.
I have conducted commercial trainings as a good way of sharing my skills by teaching. I decided to make them proactive. Not waiting long I have my first trainings booked.
"How to build a Developers friendly environment and start to build Software Development Teams using Scrum. How to build lean Digital Products." This was a training for a group of managers who plan to make change in their software development teams.
How to organise work in outsourced software development project to make it professional, predictable and enjoyable again.
How to get Clients from New York by Outbound Marketing and Sales Campaign.
How to get Clients from London by Outbound Sales and Marketing Campaign.
Conference speaking
As a sort of promotional efforts I decided to accept invite to give a speech at conference “Outsource People 2017” in Cracow for more than 200 Software Development c level executives. I gave a speech about managing marketing and sales efforts together with HR and finance using agile approach: “how to Sell in SCRUM.”
Hiring process
I decided to took a part in the hiring process for several roles in software development companies.
Head of Sales for SaaS company
Business Development Team Leader for Software Development Company (300 people company)
Manager of Partnership Program same Software Development Company (300 people company)
Head of Sales (60 people company)
Software Development Projects
I have been invited to help to build a digital product by software development team for A French Startup. We have followed a plan to find a right software development team, integrate this team with company staff and build a quality digital product using Agile approach. Some of the projects have their continuation in 2018. There were also some minor projects I have worked on in the meantime.
This year was a blast. It had a ups and downs but it was successful looking at my 2017 plan. 2018 looks even more already ambitious and promising...